You Can Now Open Your Spotify Playlist In a Bottle From 2024


spotify playlist in a bottle

For the last two years, Spotify has offered users the chance to create a Playlist In a Bottle. This is a kind of musical time capsule which you fill with songs one year, ready to open the next year. And if you were forward-thinking enough to create a Playlist In a Bottle in 2024, it’s now ready and waiting to be opened.

Your 2024 Spotify Playlist In a Bottle Is Now Ready to Open

Starting in January 2023, Spotify introduced a fun in-app feature called Playlist In a Bottle. Anyone using the feature gets asked to choose a handful of songs to bury within the digital time capsule. And then a year later, you get to open said time capsule, and wonder what on Earth you were thinking by picking those songs 12 months previously.

Now, as announced by Spotify itself in a post on For the Record, anyone who created a Playlist In a Bottle in January 2024 can open it to reveal the goodies lurking inside. And you only have until January 31, 2025, to claim yours before it’s lost forever. Thankfully, finding and opening your 2024 Spotify Playlist In a Bottle is easy.

The easiest way to find your 2024 Playlist In a Bottle is to open the Spotify app and wait until Spotify reminds you to open yours. However, if it doesn’t pop up on screen, you can either search for “Playlist In a Bottle” or head to and follow the instructions.

Regardless of how you end up on the start screen, you then just need to tap Claim Your Playlist to get started. Spotify will guide you through the process of opening your 2024 Playlist In a Bottle, discovering each song you added in turn, and saving your playlist for future listening.

Once you save your Playlist In a Bottle, you’re then free to add and remove tracks as you see fit. So, rather than sticking with the disappointingly short five-song playlist, I added a host of the Recommended Songs listed underneath. You can also share your Playlist In a Bottle with others using the usual method for sharing Spotify content.

There’s No Option to Create a Playlist for 2025 Yet Though

Unfortunately, as yet, there’s no option to create a new Playlist In a Bottle for 2025. And we don’t yet know if it’s going to show up over the next few weeks or whether Spotify has abandoned the feature altogether.

If the feature does return for another year, I hope Spotify lets us add more songs to our Playlist In a Bottle. Or even adds songs itself that the algorithm thinks you’ll enjoy listening to again in 12 months’ time. Because five songs does not a playlist make.

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