Bell changes plans again, lowers prices by $10/mo


Bell has changed its plans again, furthering lowering its prices in the lead up to Boxing Week.

The carrier currently offers two mobile plans:

  • $55/100GB 5G+ (regular $75/mo).
  • $85/200GB 5G+ Canada/U.S./Mexico + 1,000 international minutes (regular $105/mo).
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Bell’s plans for BYOP customers.

These new prices work out to be about $10/mo cheaper than what Bell had earlier this week, though they’re still not as good as the $60/200GB and $70/200GB Canada/U.S./Mexico Black Friday plans.

Bell’s website notes that the prices include an autopay credit, though it’s not immediately clear how much the credit is. Bell’s website doesn’t list a value for the credit, and since there’s no other listed discount on the plan, presumably, that means the credit is $20.

Moreover, the plans above are only for bring-your-own-phone (BYOP) customers. Bell also offers the exact same plans but at higher prices ($60 and $90, respectively) for customers looking to get a phone. Oddly, Bell’s website lists higher base prices for these plans too at $85 and $115, and with no other listed discount, it seems the autopay credit on these plans is worth $25.

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Bell’s plans for those looking to get a phone.

Customers can further discount plan prices by bundling with Bell’s home internet. Notably, the plans still include free Crave Basic with Ads. Moreover, Bell seems to have removed or hidden the $39/50GB add-a-line offer that was listed on its site yesterday.

You can check out Bell’s plans here.

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