Forget ‘Can it run Doom?’ — This version of Doom is an interactive art gallery


If you’ve ever wanted to enjoy fine art in Doom, this is for you.

Modders Filippo Meozzi and Liam Stone have created ‘Doom: The Gallery Experience,’ a free browser game that turns 1993’s Doom‘s first level, E1M1, into an interactive art gallery. In it, you can partake in wine and cheese as you view Renaissance paintings and listen to Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Suite No. 1 in G major.” Each piece of art will also feature a link to the corresponding page on New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art website should you want to learn more.

You can play Doom: The Gallery Experience on and Newgrounds.

Meozzi and Stone spoke with VG247 about the development of the mod, and it’s a pretty interesting read. One highlight? “The idea that I thought [of was] Doom is, you know, you go to hell and you kill demons and part of going to a gallery opening is you’re fighting the demonic nightmare of all of these people blowing smoke up everyone else’s back end,” said Meozzi of the inspiration to make the mod. Honestly? Fair.

All in all, it’s a rather amusing riff on the iconic first-person shooter. Many modders turn their attention into getting Doom to run on all kinds of unorthodox devices, like a Samsung smart fridge, robot lawnmower, and even gut bacteria, so it’s fun to see someone bring something weird into the original game instead.

In other Doom news, Xbox confirmed that more information on the series’ latest game, The Dark Ages, will be revealed during a January 23rd Developer_Direct presentation.

Image credit: Filippo Meozzi and Liam Stone

Via: Engadget

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