New Nike Boots Include Compression and Heat for Post-Workout Recovery – Video


New Nike Boots Include Compression and Heat for Post-Workout Recovery

The Nike x Hyperice boots include compression and heat for post-workout recovery, and athletes wore them during the 2024 Olympics.

Have you ever wanted to recover from a workout just like an Olympic athlete? That’s exactly what this shoe claims to do. This is the Nike Time Piper rice shoe, and it’s a recovery shoe that you’re supposed to wear after a strenuous workout to help with recovery. So there are 3 layers of heat and 3 layers of compression built into the shoe. So Nike and Hyperrise actually tested this with Olympic athletes at the Paris Olympics last year, and they’re working on a consumer version, although we don’t know when that will come out. Or how much it will cost, but the idea behind the shoe is to make it so that you can recover while you’re actually mobile, so you don’t have to sit and rest with a heat pack or a compression sock or something like that. The idea is that you can wear shoes that will help you recover while you’re going about your everyday life. So there are a couple of buttons on the shoe that let you actually control the compression and the heat features, and I’m going to try it out right now. There’s some velcro straps to undo. I should also mention um the sizes for this kind of range because of the compression. So instead of it coming in one size, it’ll likely be in a range of sizes like maybe men’s 10 to 12 or something like that instead of it being one size. So now the shoe is on. OK, first, I’m gonna start with the compression, so I’m gonna turn it on. So far it kind of feels like it’s vibrating, um, almost like a massage sort of. I’m starting to feel the compression now. It’s getting like a little bit tighter. I could definitely see how this would feel nice after a long run or if your feet are really sore. So right now I’m gonna put the heating on as well, turn on the lowest heat level. So now I’m gonna try walking in this because that’s what this is really meant for, so that you can be mobile while you’re recovering from a workout. It is comfortable to walk around in. It feels kind of soft. You could definitely feel the heat, especially right around my ankles and up here. That’s where I’m really feeling a lot of the heat therapy here. But it, it is, it’s comfortable for sure, lots of room. So after wearing the Nike Time hyperized shoe for just a few minutes, I can definitely feel the heating and compression features. They’re very noticeable, but it’s really hard to tell how effective and how useful this is without spending more time with it and without wearing it after. For an actual long strenuous workout, but this is really part of a growing class of wearable devices that are aimed at recovery and injury prevention and not just helping you monitor your performance. So once again, this is the Nikex Hyperrise shoe here at CES. Thanks for watching or I’ll see you next time.

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