Snowman, the Toronto-based developer behind the popular Alto’s Adventure and the original Skate City, has released an upgraded title called Skate City: New York to really hone down how good it feels to skate.
The game is currently available on Apple Arcade, but it’s super fun and worth paying for a membership to play for at least a month.
Skate City: New York is a side-scroller like its predecessor, so it’s fairly simple to start, and all of the tricks use various swipes, holds or taps on the screen. This is all taught to you in a few tutorial levels at the start of the game. Pulling off tricks feels surprisingly intuitive, and the haptic feedback is also more immersive than you’d expect. The excellent sound design also helps with this.
There are three game modes as well. A ‘challenge’ mode tasks you with completing three tasks or tricks before the end of a level, ‘Free Skate’ lets you skate around and do whatever you want in a procedurally generated world and ‘Pro Skate’ has you trying to get as many points as possible before you crash.
All three are fun, but I found myself gravitating toward the point-gathering Pro Skate since that little extra challenge of beating my previous high-score kept me engaged.
Overall, it’s pretty stylish and for anyone looking for a chill-vibe game Skate City: New York is perfect. The title is surprisingly satisfying to play and works on iPhone, Mac, Apple TV and iPad.
Apple Arcade is $8.99 per month and includes a ton of games for Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.
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