Oppenheimer director’s next film to be The Odyssey


Christopher Nolan, the director behind movies including Oppenheimer, Interstellar and The Dark Knight, will next be directing The Odyssey.

As announced by Universal Pictures, Nolan will be adapting Homer’s epic story of Odysseus and his journey home after the war.

The film is slated for release on July 17, 2026. According to a report by Deadline, Matt Damon is in talks to star in the film.

Christopher Nolan’s projects have long been box office hits, having helmed several of the highest grossing films of all time. However, Oppenheimer was a major critical hit, winning seven Academy awards, including Best Director and Best Film. Oppenheimer also marked his first time working with Universal Pictures, so it is unsurprising to see them partnered here.

Though few other details are known about the project at this point, we can assume that this project will be of a similar scale to his past works. Given the decade-spanning nature of the story, this also fits Nolan’s thematic interest in time.

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